College life survey analysis

College Life Survey Analysis

My researsh topic: College life
Target: Japanese university students
Number of respondents: 4

Students answered 10 questions about their college life.

(Questions and analysis)


Half of respondents answered  5~9 classes, or 10~14 classes in a week.
I guess students who have 5~9 classes are in third grade and 10~14 classes are in second grade.


I was surprised that 1/3 of respondents do not belong to any clubs!

I have known IROHA









  1. Thank you for the analysis of the questionnaire!
    It is interesting that half of the students don't work.
    It was also interesting to see the result of the question 10. I am satisfied with my college life, but I regret that I still have a lot of credit..!

  2. Very good questions and analysis of university students' life schedule. It would be good if more students could take your survey. I'd be very interested in seeing the numbers.

  3. Thank you for giving an analysis of your college life survey. It is very interesting to see that most students in OIC don`t belong to any circless, I guess it`s because many of the circles activities are centered in BKC or Kinugasa campus which is quite far from OIC.

  4. I am surprised of the fact that many people is not satisfied with their college life. I expected that the reason why students do not take club activity is to have flexible time for theirselves




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